Day 3 - Italian train ride

After a couple of intensely jet lagged days in nice, we took the party on the road…or the train as it were. Somehow we pumped up the kids and got them ready to wake up at 08:30. We went to bed at 12am and were up for a couple of hours of french TV - an opera about Cleopatra who’s costume captivated us all and ignited a is-it-her-real-boob-or-a transparent-fabric-with-painted-nipple debate. Needless to say, with less than the recommended 8 hours of sleep, the next day wasn’t looking so good for us. We tried not to think of the Britney circa 2007 style meltdowns leading to late arrivals that might await our day. But, to our surprise, the kids totally rallied and pulled off a marathon day of train travel with two exchanges, no lost luggage and a totally reasonable amount of tears.